Our DIY bathroom remodel is nearly done! Click here to see all the ridiculous changes.
Here is our bedroom 2 weeks ago.
This was our bathroom 2 weeks ago. I'll admit, neither the bedroom or the bathroom were very well decorated or exciting, but were they terrible?
Sexy Nerd thought so...
He has every other Friday off. I went to work and came home to discover a wall in our bathroom had disappeared! I caught Sexy Nerd and Pica, his partner in crime, gutting the bathroom!
Where is Pica's mask??
I can understand removing the garden tub, but surely there is somewhere in our 2700 sq ft. house where it can be stored without blocking access to THREE rooms at once.
The loft has nothing to do with the remodel. Why, oh why, must it suffer too?
I was all for raising the sitting area with one step. However, as I pointed out to Sexy Nerd after he had already done this, we have no intention of re-carpeting any time soon. (I'd love to, but it's just not in our budget right now.) Sure, here the exposed particle board doesn't look particularly awful, but I assure you this photo does not do it justice!
Wondering about the lump in the carpet pad? It's Pica.
It's best to just accept the mess for now. Remodeling is the perfect excuse for not making the bed. On a serious note, I can't decide whether to tile around the fireplace or paint it. Any suggestions out there? (And, just to reassure everyone, the photo is crooked. The fireplace is not.)
It seems like the less intrusive thing to do would be to remodel the master bedroom or remodel the master bedroom, not both at the same time.
Sexy Nerd swears that this gaping hole in the floor does not pose any risk to either of our tiny dogs. He says that, on the off chance that Pica does decide to jump down there to explore, she'll surely jump back out as soon as he calls her.
This is a Jack Russell terrier who I have unsuccessfully chased through our neighborhood twice.
Our "new" Jacuzzi tub (new to us, at least) has been in the dining room for almost 2 weeks. The door has been on top of it for 1 and a half weeks. And the green dolly? Oh, you don't even want to know about the green dolly.
Our kitchen remodel has been completed. I think it's important to note that, although some people would compensate for having a trashed bedroom and bathroom (and loft and dining room) by keeping the rest of their house squeaky clean, we do not feel it is necessary.
I especially love the Pica butt toward the bottom of the photo.