Trivia question! What kind of animal is Kitchen Pig?
Did you guess "Kitchen Pig is a PIG"? Well, if you did, you're absolutely WRONG!
Kitchen Pig is a PARTY ANIMAL!!!
Did you guess "Kitchen Pig is a PIG"? Well, if you did, you're absolutely WRONG!
Kitchen Pig is a PARTY ANIMAL!!!
Okay, I'll admit that was pretty lame. I can't help it though. I'm on a sugar high from drinking World Market Italian Soda. If you sign up for the World Market Explorer Rewards Program, you get a coupon for Buy One/Get One Free Italian Soda!
We bought the regular Pomegranate (delicious!) and the diet Raspberry (eh, it was okay). What's my recipe for fixing the taste of the diet soda (hey, even with a coupon, it cost me $1.25!)? Mixing the two together took care of the "eh" factor and reduced the calories of the Pomegranate soda.
By the way, how cute is Kitchen Pig, drinking Italian Soda from a silly straw while wearing a party hat? Hella freaking ridiculously cute!
Note: LambAround is not sponsored in any way whatsoever by Cost Plus World Market. If it were, I wouldn't care about a stupid coupon because all my Italian Soda would be free. Drat!