A few years ago, Sexy Nerd and I spent 3 weeks apart while my mom and I visited family in the Seychelles. Although he made it seem like he didn't want me to leave, Sexy Nerd was secretly looking forward to it. He had a surprise planned. For years, I had wanted to buy a pretty new bed, just like this one:
Unfortunately, being a full-time student and working as a Pizza Hut manager didn't leave me with any money to actually buy a bed. Sexy Nerd was also a poor college student. What to do, right?
Build a bed, of course!
Of course, we have since moved into our own house and our tastes have changed. Want to guess where I am heading with this?
Build a bed, of course!
It took up the entire bedroom in our rental house!
Of course, we have since moved into our own house and our tastes have changed. Want to guess where I am heading with this?
Fear not, my bloggy friends. Although the photo above looks like a hopeless mess, our bedroom remodel is actually close to finished (with more photos coming soon!) One of the last steps is to sand down this ginormous bed and restain it a dark brown. *Ugh!*
We're quite tempted to move this bed into the guest room, as is, and just buy something new. I've been browsing through the cheap bedroom furniture from CSN. Sure, a new bed wouldn't have any sentimental value, but it also wouldn't need any work!
Would you take the hard-working route and risk splinters and polyurethane headaches to save this bed? If so, you're a Sexy Nerd! I think you know who I am. (Hint: Sexy Nerd has never posted on this blog, despite my pleading.)