Duh nuh na nuh, (or however you write that fancy fanfare music) presenting the grand winner of this week's Best in Show award:
That's right. With exactly 33 votes each, Taradara and Our Growing Garden both get to take an award button! Congratulations, you fabulous blogging gals! Taradara, I hope you don't mind being slightly smooshed. Yes, I could have written your award as Tara Dara, but as a fellow blogger whose title is being forever separated, (ahem, it's LambAround, not Lamb space Around) I just couldn't bring myself to do it.
And to all my super-snazzy readers here at LambAround, (see?) I hope you will visit the winners. Really, can you resist the insane cuteness that is James from Our Growing Garden? Take a look:
From the blogger who brought you Oiled Butt Massages, here is Chomp Chomp.
And don't forget to swing by Taradara! After you have recovered all your icky old chairs with her help, (which, by the way, I still really need to do) you might enjoy learning how to turn a free (!) side table into something fun, like this:
Taradara's Side Table Makeover
Thank you to everyone who participated! I'll see you tomorrow for another Not "Baaad" linky party!