Update: Be sure to check out my Homestyle Salad, made with Knorr Homestyle Stock. It's one of my favorite recipes!
You've probably seen Knorr Homestyle Stock at the grocery store and thought it's no different from any other stock or even those little bouillon cubes. It can actually make things no other stock can.
See the yumminess below?

This one 4.66 ounce package of Knorr Concentrated Chicken Stock holds the equivalent of 7 cans of broth! That's just crazy.
(And, yes, 2 of the cans in the photo are actually diced tomatoes, you overly-observant reader. I have a large kitchen, not to mention a tendency to get carried away at the grocery store, but even I don't have enough space for 7 cans of chicken stock!)
Don't be scared - making chicken mayo is super easy.
All you need is a handy dandy food processor.
(Or a blender, if you're deprived of fancy kitchen gadgets, you poor dear.)
"But Kitty," you think. "I've heard that homemade mayonnaise always turns out runny."
All the top chefs create their own mayonnaise. And if you're fearful of a little raw egg (Sexy Nerd and I are shameless raw cookie dough eaters), feel free to make this mayonnaise using pasteurized eggs.

Chicken Mayo creates deviled eggs unlike any other.
Chicken Mayo creates surprisingly good rolls.
(Google "Mayonnaise Rolls". Did you know such a wacky food existed? Now you can make them slightly wackier with a hint of chicken!)
You've probably seen Knorr Homestyle Stock at the grocery store and thought it's no different from any other stock or even those little bouillon cubes. It can actually make things no other stock can.
See the yumminess below?
Chicken Mayo - oooh, yumminess.
Chicken Mayo Recipe
Today, I have a recipe for you that is unlike any other you have ever tried. I owe it all to a tiny tub of concentrated chicken stock.
My recipe breakthrough came last Tuesday. I had the day off from work and was faced with a long list of things to get done: nap, blog, watch TV, nap some more, read magazines, etc. It's a rough, child-free life!
I read a blog post about an attempted home robbery and began to comment about the time I lived alone and an irate intruder tried to break down my front door. Just thinking about it makes me want to double check all our locks. Because the universe has a cruel sense of humor, as I wrapped up my scary story, the doorbell rang, sending my dogs into a frenzy and me about a foot off the ground!
I read a blog post about an attempted home robbery and began to comment about the time I lived alone and an irate intruder tried to break down my front door. Just thinking about it makes me want to double check all our locks. Because the universe has a cruel sense of humor, as I wrapped up my scary story, the doorbell rang, sending my dogs into a frenzy and me about a foot off the ground!
I couldn't stay mad at the delivery driver though. He had brought me a package of Knorr Homestyle Stock! Big deal, you think? Don't underestimate just how awesome this product is. Behold:
This one 4.66 ounce package of Knorr Concentrated Chicken Stock holds the equivalent of 7 cans of broth! That's just crazy.
(And, yes, 2 of the cans in the photo are actually diced tomatoes, you overly-observant reader. I have a large kitchen, not to mention a tendency to get carried away at the grocery store, but even I don't have enough space for 7 cans of chicken stock!)
Included in my package were details on how to enter a recipe contest from BlogHer and Knorr using the new Homestyle Stock. The prize? A trip to the 2011 BlogHer conference in San Diego! People, I need to win this. I'm much too cheap frugal to pay my own way to California. Winning this would be such an amazing honor and it's all I've been able to think about since the concentrated chicken stock arrived. I dream in chicken.
(Update: I didn't win and I'm honestly a little miffed by it. The majority of points were for creativity and the winning recipe was...chicken noodle soup. Like, the very first thing that probably comes to mind for anyone when they think of chicken stock. Are you kidding me?)
I scrapped my lazy Tuesday plans and thought about how to create the best darn Knorr Homestyle Stock recipe anyone has ever seen. It had to be something that none of the competition would come up with. A chicken pot pie? Big whoop! I needed something prize-worthy.
(Update: I didn't win and I'm honestly a little miffed by it. The majority of points were for creativity and the winning recipe was...chicken noodle soup. Like, the very first thing that probably comes to mind for anyone when they think of chicken stock. Are you kidding me?)
I scrapped my lazy Tuesday plans and thought about how to create the best darn Knorr Homestyle Stock recipe anyone has ever seen. It had to be something that none of the competition would come up with. A chicken pot pie? Big whoop! I needed something prize-worthy.
Reading through the contest details, I learned that Knorr Homestyle Stock tastes like authentic, made-from-scratch chicken stock. It contains no added MSG and no hydrogenated oil. Each tub of concentrated stock can be diluted to create 3.5 cups of broth.
I decided to create Homestyle Mayonnaise, which would be impossible to make without concentrated stock. After all, if you added three and a half cups of chicken stock to your homemade mayonnaise, you'd have soup!
Don't be scared - making chicken mayo is super easy.
All you need is a handy dandy food processor.
(Or a blender, if you're deprived of fancy kitchen gadgets, you poor dear.)
"But Kitty," you think. "I've heard that homemade mayonnaise always turns out runny."
All the top chefs create their own mayonnaise. And if you're fearful of a little raw egg (Sexy Nerd and I are shameless raw cookie dough eaters), feel free to make this mayonnaise using pasteurized eggs.
Chicken Mayo Recipe
(Recipe Yield: 1 1/4 cups)(Total Time: 7 minutes + 1 hour to chill)
- 1 tub of Knorr Homestyle Stock (chicken flavor)
- 1 egg
- 1 egg yolk (I always save the white to create meringue cookies later. Try as I might, I couldn't think of a good concentrated chicken stock meringue cookie recipe!)
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 Tbsp lemon juice (fresh is best but from concentrate works too)
- 1 C olive oil
- 4 sprigs of parsley, finely minced (approximately 1/8 C)
- 1/4 tsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp dried dill
- 1 Tbsp dehydrated onion
Easy Peasy Chicken Mayo Recipe Instructions
- In your food processor (or blender), combine the first 5 ingredients.
- With the food processor turned on, very slowly pour in the olive oil. The mixture should thicken. You really can't overblend this - I usually let my food processor run another 3 minutes after the olive oil has been incorporated.
- Add the remaining 4 ingredients and blend an additional 30 seconds.
- For best results, let your yummy Homestyle Mayonnaise mellow in the fridge for at least an hour before enjoying.
Well, Homestyle Mayonnaise would certainly perk up a boring chicken salad. I've made the recipe 3 times since Tuesday, resulting in almost 4 cups of mayonnaise - I've tried this on everything. Of course, there are all the usual mayo uses:
Chicken Mayo gives a savory boost to an otherwise dull sandwich.Chicken Mayo creates deviled eggs unlike any other.
Chicken Mayo creates surprisingly good rolls.
(Google "Mayonnaise Rolls". Did you know such a wacky food existed? Now you can make them slightly wackier with a hint of chicken!)
Be sure to try my Homestyle Salad recipe, which is made with this Chicken Mayo Recipe. It's like a veggie-packed potato salad and it is my go-to salad recipe.