Have you been snatching up all the incredible Black Friday deals? Here's a bargain I just stumbled upon:
$1 for a 5lb bag of mini neon sour gummy worms from bulkecandy.com!
There's a limit of 5 bags per order. After factoring in shipping, this comes out to just $18.67 for twenty five delicious pounds of gummy worm goodness! And, of course, if you're going to pay so much for shipping, you really ought to throw a few more discounted candy selections into your cart, don't you think?
Sadly, there will be no candy for me. I'm scheduled to get my braces this Wednesday (with no jaw surgery). In a brilliant (brilliantly stupid) move, I agreed to help my orthodontist fill a hole in his schedule yesterday and had separators placed in between my teeth on the day before Thanksgiving.
Yeeooooowch! So happy that all the best turkey day side dishes and desserts are soft.