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Celebrating 10 Years with Our Amerisleep AS3 Mattress

My Amerisleep AS3 Unboxing Video
(Surprise, my voice is ridiculous!)
If I can (just barely) do it, you can totally tackle a bed-in-a-box by yourself.

Updated 10/15/22
Amerisleep's AS5 was recently featured as the 'Best Soft Mattress in a Box' by Good Housekeeping, with the panel of reviewers noting:
  • Pressure relief for side sleepers
  • Taller than other boxed mattresses
  • Good customer service

Amerisleep Mattress Reviews 

We've been happy Amerisleep customers since purchasing our first AS3 mattress more than 9 years ago. Now we also have an AS2 and an AS4 (the AS3 is still our favorite). Born with chronic insomnia (even as a baby - my family insists I was a nightmare), the struggle to improve my sleep is my life.

My husband, the overly-analytical mechanical engineer, was initially skeptical of a mail-order mattress, but he was quickly won over.

2012: Wine glass test, sans wine. I was fairly confident our brand-new mattress would pass with flying colors...but how would I ever live it down if it didn't?

What you'll find in this Amerisleep Mattress Reviews blog post (in order):
  1. Amerisleep Promo Code
  2. Choosing Between the AS2, AS3, and AS4
  3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  4. Mattress Longevity: The Level Test (featuring cute dogs!)
  5. Feedback From Real People Who Ordered an Amerisleep After Reading My Reviews
  6. The Trouble with Traditional Beds (AKA Taco Syndrome)
  7. Amerisleep VS Casper
  8. Amerisleep VS Leesa
  9. Amerisleep VS Sleep Number
  10. Online Mattress Shopping Tips
  11. Idiopathic Insomnia - My Story 
Bonus Content (Lucky You!)
  1. Our Original AS3 Review From 2012
  2. How to Move a Memory Foam Mattress (They weigh a ton! This handy trick makes it easy though.)
  3. Everything You've Ever Wondered About a Mail-Order Bed (According to Google)
  4. Amerisleep Comparison Chart
  5. Why the AS3 Is the Last Mattress We'll Ever Buy
Mattress promo codes

Confession: I wrote my first Amerisleep mattress review as a 'screw you' to Simmons, a company we loathe. Can you guess which terrible mattress our AS3 replaced?

Beautyrest? More like Uglyrest. (Sorry, I couldn't resist!)

Best Amerisleep Coupon: 

***All Promo Codes Include Free Shipping Both Ways***


Amerisleep claims their mattresses are equal to TempurPedic, but for a lot less money. We have been sleeping on our AS3 mattress, Amerisleep's #1 bestseller, since 2012 and I agree - they are the best, hands down. 

Amerisleep AS2 or AS3 or AS4?

My husband usually begins the night sleeping on his stomach, as this deters him from snoring. Somehow, he always flips over (my poor ears!) onto his back. On our AS2 and AS3 mattresses, he is comfortable. However, as a stomach sleeper and back sleeper, he is uncomfortable on our AS4. If forced to choose between the AS2 and AS3, SN says the AS3 is the best mattress for back pain. It's a close call though.

I am a side sleeper and stomach sleeper. I can confidently say the AS3 is the best mattress for side sleepers. The top layer of the AS2 is a bit too hard and the top layer of the AS4 is a bit too soft. Just call me Goldilocks.

3/15/20 Update
Rating the AS2, AS3, and AS4 in order from most to least favorite, we LOVE the Amerisleep AS3 mattress. It is our mattress soulmate.

The AS2 is in solid 'like' territory and we recommend it as a budget-friendly alternative to the AS3 if you're comfortable on a firm mattress. (Hate a firm mattress? You will hate the AS2.)

The AS4 is a quality product, but is simply too soft for either of us. With the other options, you can stretch out across the entire surface of the mattress, but not the AS4, as it needs more edge support. The sides get squishy. 

We thought we would create a split-king mattress by placing two twins side-by-side. However, with the softness of the AS4, this leaves me with only a teensie section of bed suitable for sleeping, lest I feel like I'm going to roll off onto the floor! 

As of 2020, Amerisleep has 12 retail stores. If there's one near you, an in-person visit is a perfect way to discover which model works best for you. No store nearby? No problem! Amerisleep's no-risk return policy makes testing multiple mattresses easy peasy.

Once again, Amerisleep has been rated the Best Memory Foam Mattress! Let's learn why.

Amerisleep Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I've received many emails from readers who are considering ordering an Amerisleep. It's funny because I don't actually work for the company (never have), yet I've become sort of a brand ambassador because of the review I posted here on my blog. 

Rather than keep responding to the same questions individually, it seemed like a smart idea to post the questions and answers here. If you think of a new question, please feel free to send me an email. I love to hear from my blog readers!

And, speaking as the self-proclaimed, unofficial Amerisleep ambassador, if my discount link or anyone over at Amerisleep gives you any trouble, just let me know and I'll ruffle some feathers. Muah ha ha! (evil laugh)

Okay, there's a slight possibility this "unofficial brand ambassador" thing might be going to my head...

There are two questions blog readers constantly email me:
  1. Does your mattress get hot?
  2. Do I have to buy an expensive foundation?
I have good news for both questions. Ours does not get hot, which is a common problem with other memory foam products. I know it stays cooler because our Simmons Beautyrest was stained with sweat (TMI?) shortly after buying it and our AS3 is still squeaky clean after all these years, no mattress protector necessary. 

I'm not quite sure how Amerisleep does this. Maybe part of the bio core is that it has a magical "comfort layer"? Or is that the transition layer? Actually, that's probably the high-performance Celliant cover.

On the Technology portion of their website, it says:

As you give off body heat, Celliant® fabric safely recycles this thermal energy into infrared light. It does this by using high-performance yarn made from 13 thermoreactive minerals.

Bio-Pur breathes and conforms to your body. When you lie down, you'll feel Bio-Purrelieve your pressure points. As you sleep, the large open cell structure will better circulate air to keep your body temperature balanced from head to toe. Bio-Pur is crafted for your comfort - and we guarantee you'll love it.

Surface Modification Technology (SMT) is an innovation in how foam reacts to your body. By modifying the bottom of our foam with specific textured channels, we provide you with smart pressure relief and improved airflow. These large channels let air circulate easily inside the mattress instead of it getting trapped.

Could all of that result in a cooler night's rest? The Technology page is actually pretty cool, with loads of nerdy graphics and data. Whatever they're doing, it works.

As for the foundation question, ours is on top of two twin box springs, which we already had. (They're what our Simmons was on.) This has worked fine for us over the years. The proof is in the level photo I shared earlier in this post. That said, the actual recommendation is to use something flat, such as a sheet of plywood, instead of a box spring.

3. How long did it take for the memory foam chemical smell to disappear?

   This was actually another pleasant surprise. I'm sensitive to chemical smells and worried about how long the "off-gassing" period would be. I expected our new mattress would give me a pounding headache if used right away, similar to the reaction I have when someone wears too much perfume (which, to me, is any perfume). 

My plan was to sleep in a separate room for at least the first few nights after unwrapping/expanding it. I'd even read online about other memory foam products being kept in the garage for weeks after being opened because the smell was so bad. However, ours seemed just fine when we first received it and, sure enough, I woke up without any head discomfort after the very first night. 

4. What's your favorite thing about your mattress?

    SN says it's that he no longer wakes up with back pain, which was a huge problem with our Simmons. Whenever we travel or he goes on a business trip, he always looks forward to coming home to sleep, no matter how luxurious the hotel accommodations have been. 

For me, the best part has to do with the wine glass photo at the top of this post - no transfer of motion! As a lifelong sufferer of idiopathic insomnia, I'm an extremely light sleeper. When SN moves or gets up in the morning, I'm blissfully unaware.

5. How has yours held up over time?

   We purchased our AS3 in January, 2012 and as of 2019, it still seems exactly like new. There is no sagging anywhere, which is great for me because when my husband gets up around 5 am (crazy, right?), I enjoy stretching out in the center and taking up the entire mattress. I'm a weird sleeper like that. 

With our old mattress, I was unable to sleep in the center because soon after purchasing it, there were 2 deep, firm divots from where each of us typically slept. The poor service we received from Simmons was actually the catalyst for writing my original Amerisleep mattress reviews years ago.

6. Would you recommend Amerisleep to a friend?

   Obviously! LOL. Actually, I know a few friends and family members who have purchased one since we started recommending them in 2012. I've never met anyone (or heard from anyone via email) who had a single complaint. 

Wait, I take that back. Several years ago (2014?), a blog reader did email me because it seemed like their mattress was taking a long time to ship. I agreed and contacted Amerisleep on their behalf. Their order went out later that same day and I've never heard of any shipping delays since.

   That has been the only time I've heard of someone having an Amerisleep problem, which was sort of a shame. I felt so powerful and I was ready for that power to go to my head! Rats.

7. Is it worth the extra cost?

   Although I do believe it is worth the so-called "extra cost", I think it's important to note that it really isn't more expensive than the competition, especially if you purchase it on sale. It's certainly less pricey than Temper-Pedic, which I think is essentially the same mattress sold under a fancy label.

   Our AS3 cost less than our Simmons Beautyrest and was one heck of a better deal.

8. Is there anything else I should consider before ordering?

Never underestimate the importance of customer service. I have probably emailed Amerisleep dozens of times over the past several years, first with questions before ordering my mattress, and later with questions from my blog readers. 

Everyone I've interacted with has been helpful and professional. Even the CEO, Firas Kittaneh, has taken the time to personally write to me on several occasions! I highly recommend them. 

With our king-size Simmons Beautyrest, which we purchased new for an obscene amount of money, we thought we were investing in a quality product from a reputable company. However, when it turned out to be defective, reaching customer service was almost impossible. No one ever answered the phone and no one responded to my emails. 

When we finally got ahold of someone by going through the local furniture store we'd originally purchased from, Simmons would not honor our warranty. Although they acknowledged our mattress was clearly defective, they said the warranty was voided because one corner was scuffed, most likely during delivery. 

They even acknowledged that the scuff was merely cosmetic and couldn't possibly have any impact on the structure of our mattress or our complaint! You can imagine our frustration. 

Now, I hate Simmons. They are my nemesis.

Amerisleep Mattress Reviews: The Level Test and The Wine Glass Test

Anyone can say they're as good as TempurPedic though. There seemed like there must be a way to prove this. Bring on the Amerisleep VS Tempurpedic test!

You know those fancy commercials where the person jumps on the TempurPedic and the wine glass doesn't tip over?

My husband, the always serious mechanical engineer, had much more fun taking these photos than I'd expected. I couldn't get him to stop jumping on the bed!

Amerisleep AS3
2020: Wine glass test on the same AS3 mattress, now in our new home. See how it still doesn't transfer motion, even all these years later?

We placed our order on 1/24/12. After all this time, our AS3 is practically brand-new, even though we've slept on it nearly every night for more than half a decade! At an age when most mattresses would be nearing replacement age, we're planning to take ours with us to our new house. 

The 7-year replacement rule doesn't seem to apply. 

SN says it's perfect in every way. It hasn't had any problems with sagging (unlike our piece of garbage Beautyrest, which this had to replace after only a few years) and it doesn't retain heat, so it doesn't get hot, which I've heard is a common problem with memory foam products.

If I had one complaint, it was that at first, I thought the AS3 was ever-so-slightly too firm for my taste. How slight? We already owned several mattress toppers, purchased as the result of our previous bad experience, but I did not need to resort to any of these.

The next softest, the AS4, is much more expensive though, so if I could go back, I would still choose the same one. As someone who doesn't like too-firm of a bed, I do think it's worth paying a little extra to get the AS3 over the more firm choices (the AS1 and AS2). 

It's all a matter of personal preference, of course. Amerisleep will actually recommend the perfect option for you based on your sleeping habits, height, and weight through a quick online chat on their site.

Ours really is just like the Tempur-Pedics we've tested, but at a much better price because it's sold directly to the consumer instead of going through stores, salespeople, and multiple delivery stops. There isn't even an additional charge for sales tax, which adds up quickly on a $1,000+ purchase. 

My favorite thing is that there is no transfer of motion, meaning I can continue sleeping when SN gets up for work at 5 am. Hooray for motion isolation!

I'd love to splurge on the extra-soft AS4 one day, which I imagine is like sleeping on a fluffy marshmallow, but at more than twice the cost of the AS3, I'm happy with what we have. Plus, SN loves our bed exactly as it is and wouldn't change a thing, so he'd probably just complain if I "upgraded" us to a softer choice.

(2019 Update: We lived the dream and ordered an extravagant AS4...and hated it! It was too soft for either of us.)

I don't understand why anyone is still buying traditional spring mattresses. For such a large investment, you're money ahead to get one that lasts forever. Really, ours has aged so well, I'd be surprised if it's showing any wear at all 50 years from now. Take a look for yourself:

how to test if its time to replace your mattress
After all these years, is it still level, even on the part I sleep on every night?

amerisleep vs simmons beautyrest
It is! Our Simmons Beautyrest wouldn't have been able to pass this test after 5 weeks, let alone years.

(Also, you don't notice how dirty your level really is until you look at a close-up photo. I put this on our mattress?! Ick.)

Since publishing my original blog post all those years ago, I have received not one, but TWO emails (from different people!) saying they enjoyed my detailed reviews...but they feel so sad for Pica. So, here is an updated photo for all my fellow dog lovers:

Amerisleep mattress reviews
To be fair, Pica usually looks pretty sad, whether she's allowed on the bed or not. She does look comfy though.

Shhh, don't tell my husband. She's much dirtier than the level!

the most comfortable mattress
Also, I think Amerisleep makes memory foam dog beds. Shhh, don't tell Pica.

amerisleep review from 2012
I tried to get a cute photo of Biscuit for this blog post, but she's a stickler for the rules and was mortified to be anywhere other than the ground. Her Amerisleep review? The mattress is scary.

Reviews from Happy Customers

Since publishing my first review all those years ago, one of the best things that has happened is getting to interact with blog readers who email to thank me for help with their purchase. Here is my favorite email exchange of all time:

Hi, Kitty –

I emailed you in early December about considering an Amerisleep mattress. You kindly replied, and I wanted to give you an update.

We did order a King bed, and I was surprised that it arrived so quickly. In fact, we weren’t ready for it so we had to scramble to get things ready. (New paint, leading to new carpet, leading to re-arranging the bedroom.) Anyway, we finally were able to start sleeping on it and we are absolutely thrilled! Thank you for posting your honest evaluation.

We got a nice $250 discount when we ordered, and since I used your link I hope you received your bonus. If you didn’t, please let me know what I can do to make that happen for you.

Have a wonderful Christmas!

My blog readers are awesome. When we were chatting via email last month, the same reader wrote:

Thanks for your help. I hope you and your Sexy Nerd have a great Christmas season. (I would call Janet my Sexy Grandma but that just sounds creepy -- even though she is a grandma and is very sexy.) We have shared a bed for 38 years now and have had a great marriage. It's even greater now with four grandangels and one more on the way.

How sweet is that? I love my blog readers!

Let's read another one:

Here's some photos. Excuse the lack of a bed frame, still waiting on that... Maybe it's a new thing, maybe not, but they include that little box cutter to prevent people from slicing their mattress when they cut open the plastic. Of course I didn't even notice until after the sheets and comforter were already on.

Thanks again.
amerisleep promo codes
Let's call this photo "Free Gift with Amerisleep Purchase." I wish they'd had these when we placed our first order in 2012. I was so scared we would accidentally cut the mattress!

I had no idea about that little box cutter until Mike told me. I wonder if the part of my original review about me jumping around and having a minor freakout about my husband almost slicing into our brand-new mattress may have had something to do with that. Nice touch, Amerisleep! 

His email had the subject line "Just Ordered an Amerisleep AS2! Super Excited!"

amerisleep as2 before photo
Bed in a box - the future is here!

The AS2 mattress wants to be free! Can you believe it starts out so wimpy and grows into such a thick mattress? Amerisleep reminds me of those little animal sponges you used to get as a kid that would expand in water and always leave you disappointed.

It's not like I was expecting them to turn into real animals, of course...although that is exactly what the package told me was going to happen...

Also, do not add water to your Amerisleep mattress. 

amerisleep as2 after photo
The AS2 mattress looks super skinny! The photo above prompted me to Google comparison charts (here's a great one) to see the difference between Mike's AS2 and my AS3. Surprise - they're both 12" thick!

Let's see the AS2 and AS3 side by side:

amerisleep as2 and as3 comparison

That's Mike's brand-new AS2 mattress over on the left and my AS3 from 2012 on the right. The Amerisleep website was clearly lying to me or they've drastically changed the design of my mattress since I've purchased it, right? Forget 12". Mine must be 24"!

I dropped everything to go measure our AS3 mattress. Literally.

best mattress
Huh. It's exactly 12", just like Amerisleep said it would be. You know what this means, right?

That my mattress is holding up perfectly after more than 5 years of heavy use.

But also...

do memory foam mattresses require special sheets

You were too excited about your new mattress, Mike! IT WASN'T EVEN CLOSE TO DONE EXPANDING YET AND YOU'D ALREADY MADE THE BED!
Oh, Mike. *smh* 


Look at those pillows!! Mike??

He's a mechanical engineer, just like my SN. I'm trying to decide if my husband would laugh and know I'm just joking around when he reads this review...or if he would be mad. He is sort of a grump. Not Mike though. (Fingers crossed.)

Here is another Amerisleep review...well, sort of. It's a glowing review in a roundabout way:

I actually went to visit the parents after we spoke and they had just bought a new mattress for Loom and Leaf. I only slept on it for a week, but I slept well. I ended up ordering the Loom Leaf memory foam mattress. I've enjoyed it ever since, with the exception of one thing. It sleeps a little warm for me in the summer, and though I live in the Pacific Northwest our summers have been hitting the 90s more and more. Makes for an uncomfortable night. 

Hope all works out well with your new mattresses! I'm definitely going to keep Amerisleep in mind, though, as I am considering getting a queen in the next year.  I have even recommended it because of what you said (so glad I'm not the only person daunted my mattress shopping!).  I'll be sure to check your blog when it comes to decision time :)

To a good night's sleep,

Thank you, Sarah. Amerisleep does not sleep hot, BTW. (Just had to throw that in there!)

Last, but certainly not least, is an email from Paul. I shared a review from him here on my blog back when he first ordered his AS2 mattress last year. His new review cracks me up, just like his last one did:

Janet and I absolutely LOVE our mattress! It has made such a difference in our ability to get a good night's rest. It's really great for other bedtime activities, too. ;)  

(Oh my goodness, Paul!)

As we get older we find we need more room, so the king-size Amerisleep mattress makes it possible for us to get in and out of bed without waking the other. 

Our shipment arrived much sooner than expected, and even though I was skeptical about how a mattress could fit in a box, the whole setup process was pretty easy. If anyone is unsure, I can tell you I am 100% satisfied with my mattress. Sorry I don't have any pictures to share.

Thanks for your reviews, because they convinced us to make our purchase last winter, right after Thanksgiving. We got a great deal and couldn't be happier.

Paul & Janet

My Traditional Spring Mattresses Complaint

We travel often and hotels are a great way to try a variety of spring beds...and be reminded why I hate them. In Colorado Springs, Sexy Nerd actually texted an entire complaint to Marriott at 3 am because our mattress, which we referred to as "The Taco", was so uncomfortable. 

When he came back to bed, he tried to get all snuggly with me, which is 100% THE WORST THING EVER to do to someone with idiopathic insomnia. I had finally just barely fallen asleep and he woke me up. His reason? 

According to Sexy Nerd, when he laid down on his side, I rolled over to snuggle with him, so he assumed I was still awake. It was the taco! It flipped me!

how does amerisleep compare to other mattresses
That crisp bedding looks so welcoming, doesn't it? Don't let it fool you.

Our hotel in Denver was better, with no tacos in sight. However, my sleep was interrupted again by weird vibrating and shaking around 5 am. Do they have earthquakes in Colorado? I was startled, then annoyed once I realized what was happening. It was Sexy Nerd. 

Turns out he always begins his day with a little stretching before getting up. At home, I'd managed to stay blissfully unaware of his morning calisthenics routine because motion isn't transferred. 

With Sexy Nerd vigorously thrashing his legs about for no reason while his chronically sleep-deprived wife is trying to rest, is it any wonder I'm such an Amerisleep lover?

During our trip to London a few years ago, we stayed at the Holiday Inn Express and the much fancier, luxurious Crowne Plaza. Both hotels had one important thing in common...

They made us miss being home! Neither used a memory foam mattress and we had forgotten how uncomfortable conventional mattresses can be. My back was killing me!
why is a memory foam mattress better than a spring mattress

At the Holiday Inn Express, my mattress was so soft it felt like I was falling down into it. The sides rose up to surround me. There was also a spring or a bar inside that kept poking me, but it was running right through the middle so it was impossible to avoid.

It was a fairly new hotel, so I was surprised by how worn the mattresses seemed. Sexy Nerd's experience wasn't any better. You can see from my photo above that there are divots worn where guests normally lie.

amerisleep mattress review from 2019

At the Crowne Plaza, they supposedly make sleep their #1 priority, as announced to us by a cute little sign on the nightstand. We were even given a little goody box of sleep-inducing pillow mist and "relaxation" pressure point oil. However, their fancy mattress was so firm that it felt like they'd simply taken a board of wood and wrapped it in fabric. 

You jump on that one and you're going to be hurting tomorrow! Our first night, I actually considered sleeping on the floor because the carpet seemed like it would be softer.

Of course, who wants to put their face on hotel carpet? Yuck!

Amerisleep VS Casper

There have been many Amerisleep wannabees sprouting up online lately, such as Casper, Leesa, Saatva, etc., claiming to sell a comparable memory foam product at a lower price. I've had the pleasure/displeasure of testing a few of these and they kind of tick me off. You'd think this would be a case of "you get what you pay for", but most of these are around the same price as our AS3 anyway. 

Based on our experience since 2012, I firmly believe an Amerisleep is comparable to a Tempur-Pedic. None of the other mail-order, bed-in-a-box choices seem to even try to live up to this quality. You can read the technology pages and online reviews to see for yourself. 

The difference between Casper and Amerisleep
My Casper opinion? Based on testing it in the store, it seems like a throwaway for dorm living - fine for a semester or two but not a good choice for your "real" bed.

I've written about our AS2, AS3, and AS4 beds firsthand and have speculated on some of the competing mattress companies here on my site. It has always seemed to me like Amerisleep is an inexpensive alternative to Tempurpedic, while the other brands that have popped up online lately are more of a cheap, short-term solution for apartment living. 

They have a warranty, but that doesn't do you any good if the company is out of business next year or won't honor it or requires you to pay return shipping. Still, I've wondered if maybe memory foam is just memory foam and all of these competitors are actually the exact same thing. Well, guess what? I was able to test out a Casper bed recently and was shocked by the difference.

It's hard to explain, but there were no "memory foam" qualities to the Casper. It was soft, like the pillow-top portion of our old Simmons Beautyrest, where you just sink right in wherever pressure is applied. 

Ours, by comparison, supports your body and provides pressure relief, whether you're sitting on the edge to tie your shoes, are propped up with the best pillows to watch TV, or are dozing off. You don't just fall in, like with the Casper. This isn't necessarily a deal-breaker, especially if you fit their target audience of someone looking for a cheap, short-term solution, but I just could not believe how much I preferred our AS3. It is so much better! 

I actually got into a little discussion about it at the store...with myself...out loud. They're used to that at West Elm, right? My in-store theory was that the Casper must be especially soft and unsupportive because so many heavy people have tested it. 

Thinking about it later though, my theory doesn't pan out. The display looked new, plus with ours, it doesn't matter that we've been sleeping on it (and jumping on it!) forever. The wear and tear of daily use isn't breaking it down.

Amerisleep VS Leesa

As of 7/27/21, I have not tried Leesa. However, I just visited their website and found something I thought worth mentioning here. Take a look at this screenshot:
The difference between Leesa and Amerisleep

Do you see it up on the right-hand corner? There are dozens of inferior "bed in a box" brands that have sprung up as a result of Amerisleep's success. Leesa is happy to rank themselves against Casper, Tuft & Needle, Purple, and Tempur-Pedic, but they conveniently omitted any brand they could not compete with in regard to criteria such as price, quality, durability, eco-friendliness, customer satisfaction, and value.

Amerisleep VS Sleep Number

The difference between Sleep Number and Amerisleep

In March of 2017, I participated in a sleep study. I knew in advance my room would be equipped with a Sleep Number. I'd been looking forward to testing it out and possibly reviewing it here on my site. I'd even been debating whether to include one in our new house after seeing an ad for their anti-snoring technology. (I don't snore, but you-know-who can really get going.)

Well, it must have somehow known where my loyalty lies and that I've bad-mouthed Sleep Number in the past (their warranty is terrible, which I think shows a lack of faith in their product), because mine didn't seem to work. 

I'd press the Up button once and the numbers would jump all the way to the top; Down and I was suddenly at the lowest setting. Despite these drastic changes, whenever I checked the Sleep Number remote, it was always on 35. I never did figure out what the 40 is supposed to do, if anything. It looks like a button, right?

Hey, folks at Amerisleep. It's time to add an anti-snoring feature! My current solution is a gentle poke on my sleeping husband's arm...followed by an ever so slightly less gentle kick (with love!) if that fails to do the trick.

10/1/18 Update: We recently moved into our new home and needed something for our guest bedroom. Of course, we went with Amerisleep again. We put our 6-year-old AS3 in the guest room and ordered a brand-new Twin XL AS2 and Twin XL AS4 for our master bedroom, thinking we would push them together. 

Terrible choice!

The AS4 was too soft and unsupportive for either of us. It could benefit from additional support layers. Amerisleep's customer service team provided a hassle-free exchange of our two twins for a King AS2. Our thinking was that it and the AS3 were so similar that it wasn't worth the extra cost for the AS3. The grass is always greener, right?

Another poor choice, as the AS2 is a little too hard for me! (SN insists he can't tell any difference, go figure.) Long story short, our new AS2 is now in the guest bedroom and we are still loving our old AS3 from 2012. 

Online mattress shopping tips to save money
Top Mattress Buying Guide

Company is coming for the holidays and you've cleaned your house top to bottom, especially the guest bedroom, which you've thoughtfully stocked with fresh flowers, a local travel guide, and cozy slippers. You're ready! Except...there's this nagging feeling you can't quite shake, an inkling your guests aren't going to be as happy with their accommodations as you've hoped. Could it be that beneath those fluffy extra towels and organic duvet, there lurks a dreaded, musty DECADES OLD SPRING MATTRESS?


I've been there. Your own mattress is uncomfortable, suffering from taco-syndrome, so you buy a cushy new one and banish the mattress-failure to the guest room. "No one ever sleeps in there anyway," you say. But then your in-laws, the ones with the already bad backs and harsh words for everything you do, announce they're staying for a week. They are going to judge the heck out of that old reject mattress.

They are going to judge the heck out of you. And they're going to tell everyone! Aaand, thanks to a lack of sleep, they are both going to be extra, extra crabby.

Okay, perhaps I'm being a bit dramatic (it's fun!) and your guests will be perfectly happy with whatever you provide. It's not too late to upgrade your mattress situation though.

Best of all? 

You don't have to lug your purchase across icy roads, fighting off holiday shoppers and crazy traffic the entire way home!

No, wait. I have an even better "best of all":

This time of year, all the best mattresses are on clearance!
(I love the word clearance. Don't you?)

Step #1
Decide what kind of mattress you're looking for.

This is a long-term decision. Do you want one that's soft, like sinking into a warm cinnamon roll, or one so firm it's like you wrapped a board in padding, then removed the padding because it made it too plush? Or are you (most likely) hoping to find a mattress somewhere in between these extremes?

Although it may sound counter-intuitive, a good way to start your online mattress search is to visit an actual mattresses store. This way, you can test a variety of beds to determine your preferred firmness level.

Just try not to get the poor salesperson's hopes too high.

Step #2
Research mattress reviews online.

Sexy Nerd and I could have saved about $1,500 if we'd been more careful with our first mattress purchase. But we were young and naive! We went to the store, the salesman told us the Simmons Beautyrest were good mattresses, and we bought it. 

A few months later, our "good mattress" was falling apart, complete with two pits for us to climb out of each morning. Had we done our research beforehand, we would have seen the dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of scathing Simmons reviews online, many complaining of the same problems we were having.

Step #3
Look up warranty information - and make sure the company honors it.

Our defective Beautyrest was under warranty and, at only a few months old, exchanging it should have been no problem at all, right? Sigh. A salesman from the mattress store came to our house and admitted our mattress was even worse than others he had seen. He said it wouldn't be difficult to get us a replacement. 

Oh, except that ours wasn't quite as clean as when we purchased it brand-new. What did that matter, right? The problem had nothing to do with cleanliness and all they were going to do was throw it away. Still, he insisted they could not honor the warranty unless it was clean. 

You can bet Sexy Nerd and I spent the next week scrubbing, vacuuming, and shampooing that mattress to better-than-new condition. It was exhausting and we may have exposed ourselves to a couple carcinogens. It was also somewhat expensive (nothing compared to a useless $1,500 mattress, but still) though completely worthwhile to have the warranty honored. The mattress man returned. He inspected our mattress again. Guess what?

On one of the corners, the fabric was scuffed. It must have happened when the mattress was delivered.

Warranty DENIED.

Step #4
Make sure you're provided an in-home, risk-free trial.

When I purchased our replacement mattress, I was understandably fed up with going the traditional route. Still, making such a large purchase online, sight-unseen, seemed like a gamble. I'm so glad I took it though!

What helped me make the right decision? The mattress I ordered had a no-risk guarantee, giving me the peace of mind to try it for several nights (several months, actually, which I thought was amazing) and return it for a full refund if we didn't like it.

Step #5
Enjoy some sweet dreams!

My favorite part of the online mattress buying experience is when your new mattress is delivered directly to your door, all at no additional cost. Actually, in the case of buying a new memory foam mattress, my favorite part (my favorite, favorite) is when you unwrap the mattress and watch it expand. It's a blast! To this, my Nana says, "Simple minds, simple pleasures." She's sort of a mean one. For her visits, I wouldn't dare stick her on a pullout sofa.

mattress reviews
  For some reason, this scared the heck out of our dogs

Chronic Insomnia - My Story

Why do I care so much about this? Because getting a good night's sleep is a struggle that has plagued my entire life. I  have never been able to sleep well. Not just now, as an adult - never! Even as a baby, my parents say I was awake constantly. 

In fourth grade, my teacher, Mr. Carberry, suggested to my mom that she take me to a doctor because I yawned from the moment I entered his classroom until the time I left, every single day. He had never seen a student who was as consistently tired as me. 

My mom brushed off his recommendation, as she knew I went to bed at the same time every night, with ample hours for a good night's sleep. However, my typical night was spent tossing and turning, or simply lying with my eyes closed, completely awake. My parents knew I'd had trouble sleeping as a baby (ask any of my relatives and they'll tell you I was a "bad baby", LOL), but I was thriving so they assumed I'd outgrown it.

Whenever I tell someone I have idiopathic insomnia, I receive one of two responses:

1. A lecture on improving my sleep hygiene. (Cut out caffeine, exercise more, follow a set sleep schedule, don't nap, take melatonin, reduce screen time, etc. - been there, tried that!) 

2. "You are an idiopath!" (Idiopathic actually means a disorder with an unknown cause.)(Also, I've apparently been hanging out with mean people.)

It wasn't until I was older that I realized just how different my quality of sleep is. Sexy Nerd falls asleep the instant his head hits the pillow. If he wakes up, it's only a temporary glitch in his slumber, even if he gets up and comes back. It's so unfair! Practically every night, I either never fall asleep or I sleep in short intervals (example: asleep 10 pm-11:30 pm, asleep again 3 am-5 am). 

I've tried Ambien and other sleeping prescriptions - sometimes they help but mostly they don't. The same goes for melatonin pills, lavender-filled pillows, Benadryl, chamomile tea, Tylenol PM, sleep masks, soft music, Simply Sleep, and a long list of other things that help most people fall asleep.

Something that kinda, sorta helps a tiny bit, occasionally, is to change my direction on the bed. Yes, it's weird. I admit it. Sexy Nerd has rolled over to give me a kiss good morning several times, only to be surprised he is kissing my foot! Compared to a person without idiopathic insomnia, I still don't sleep well, but it sometimes makes a difference. Thank goodness my husband is a heavy sleeper!
It's especially frustrating to be told how harmful a lack of sleep is to my health. It's not like I'm intentionally not getting enough sleep, right? I don't have sleep apnea. I don't have restless leg syndrome. I don't snore. I've participated in a sleep study with a highly recommended sleep expert. He could not help me. 

With such a high hurdle to overcome nightly, I take comfort knowing at least the mattress I've purchased is comfortable, no matter how often my crazy brain wants to change sleep positions, and is not contributing to my insomnia. There are many reasons to love Amerisleep, but for me personally, this is #1 and why I am a die hard fan. 

One last thing! Where to Buy Amerisleep:

So, now you know why we love our Amerisleep mattress so much. If you've enjoyed my blog and you know someone in the market for a new mattress, I'd love for you to share this with your friends, family, and coworkers. Come to think of it, especially share it with your family - you don't want to visit and get stuck on their Simmons Beautyrest in the guest bedroom!

Since writing my original review more than 7 years ago, a referral program has been introduced. If you order through my Amerisleep promo code link (THANK YOU!), you'll receive an extra $50 off ($250 total) plus free shippingThis is a huge savings over what you would purchase an Amerisleep AS3 mattress for on Amazon

(Plus, I read an Amazon review that said Amerisleep doesn't honor their free returns policy if you order that way...but that seems weird, right? I think the reviewer might have been mistaken, unless the Amerisleep beds sold on Amazon aren't actually from Amerisleep at all. Hmmm...) 

I'd greatly appreciate it if you buy through my link because then I'll get a referral bonus that I can use toward purchasing other Amerisleep products. We're up to 4 of their mattresses so far - an AS3, AS4, and two AS2s! What's a better compliment than planning to buy more of the exact same product again? Plus, online reviews sealed the deal for my original purchase and I love being in a position to help others with their decision. 

If there's anything I haven't covered here, please feel free to send me an email. I love hearing from my readers! Blogging can seem a bit pointless sometimes and it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking no one read this, no one cares, everything is awful, etc. I really appreciate you. Thank you.

Our Amerisleep opinions are NOT sponsored - not in any way whatsoever. Unlike other "impartial" reviewers out there, we did NOT receive our AS3 mattress for free. All of the opinions here are 100% my own. This is not a sponsored blog post and I have never been employed by Amerisleep. 

Unlike other "unbiased and impartial" sites out there, which churn out mattress reviews daily for a profit (*cough* Sleepopolis *cough*), I work in the fabulous world of screaming children pediatric dentistry. I write this blog because it is a hobby I enjoy and these mattress reviews because I love to help where I can. I hope you enjoy my site and that this makes your purchase decision easier. 

I get so frustrated with mattress review sites that claim to be impartial. They disclose that they've received every mattress for free - dozens and dozens of them. It is not possible that they are actually sleeping on all of these different mattresses night after night! It's not a real-world recommendation! Okay, that's enough time on my soapbox for now.

Best Amerisleep Coupons: 

***All Promo Codes Include Free Shipping Both Ways***

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