The votes have been tallied. Your favorite Best in Show blog post nominee is Little Green Bow!
It's not surprising. Just look at all the snazzy posts Deanna at Little Green Bow has to offer:
It's not surprising. Just look at all the snazzy posts Deanna at Little Green Bow has to offer:
She recently completed a 10 day juice fast and details how/why to try it in several posts.
Okay. Truth be told, Deanna might prefer that I link to a different post than her juice fast results, which detail all kinds of nitty gritty details about her, but the results are impressive! Now I'm considering trying a juice fast too, though it might be hard with Sexy Nerd constantly saying that consuming nothing but juice is stupid and tempting me with delicious enchiladas.
Guys just don't get it, do they?
Deanna also made this super-cute nursery artwork for her friend. Not a bad friend to have!
Thanks a bunch to everyone who linked up and competed for the Best in Show award. Which reminds me...
Ta Da!