Dining rooms! Should we go formal? Just a cozy nook off the kitchen? Do we even need a dining room at all or will a fancy kitchen island suffice? The most fun part of building our dream home is looking online for inspiration. Here are a few extravagant dining room photos I have saved.
You might notice a theme while browsing these dining room ideas. Dining table + expensive, white rug underneath. It's an elegant thought, but we're sloppy joe people. Methinks not.
The grouping of mirrors, that spiffy kitchen island, the crystals on the chandelier - I heart this dining room photo!
Pretend the stairs stop at the dining table and the walls enclose each side. How fun would it be to have the dining room perched above the living room on its own mini-floor!
I just don't trust myself to pull off white walls. Sure, it looks great here, but in real life, plain white always looks so...plain white. At least, it does when I try it.
My favorite is the last one...no, the first. The two in the middle are nice too though, in their own way. How am I ever going to decide what to build?!
I suppose I'll just have to continue looking through all the pretty dining room ideas online. Poor me! ;)