My original plan for today's post went something along the lines of "I GOT MY NEW NEXUS 7 AND IT'S THE COOLEST THING EVER!!!"
Sadly, like most of the other irked-at-Google people who pre-ordered the Nexus 7, I'm still waiting for my new tablet to even ship, despite others who did not pre-order (and did not pay a whopping $15 shipping fee) simply walking into stores like Staples and walking out with a Nexus 7.
I called all of my local Staples to ask if they still had any of the Nexus 7s in stock and confused the heck out of everyone who answered. Despite online reports of it being one of Staples hottest selling items ever, no one here has ever heard of it.
Lousy Albuquerque.
I sold my beloved Kindle Fire in order to pay for the Nexus 7. I miss it.
On a cheerier note, I just baked up an Earl Grey Chocolate Bundt Cake and it's fab. Sooo much more fun than playing with my new Google tablet.