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Sad Dog Parents

SN and I were watching TV two nights ago when we heard a strange sound coming from the living room. It was Biscuit . She was on her side, yelping nonstop with her eyes wide open, foaming at the mouth. The foam had soaked all the way through her bed. Panicked, we tried to revive her, but she was like a zombie, just stuck on her side and barking, staring at nothing. It seemed like this went on forever, but I think it was probably about 3 minutes. When Biscuit finally came to, she tried to stand but kept falling over. She didn't seem to know where she was or even who we were. She was growling at us.  Finally, we got her calmed down and resting, but she would occasionally let out a yowl, eyes closed. We couldn't tell if she was having a nightmare or was in pain.  Later, it was like her mind was gone - she could walk, but only in circles around the perimeter of the room. She was not responding to anything we said or did. She still seemed not to know us. 

Biscuit the Grouch

"You whippersnappers turn off that racket. In my day, pups respected their elders. Back then, we didn't have a bed in a sunbeam. We didn't even have a sunbeam. We had to make do with the reflection of the sun off the moon for warmth and you didn't hear us complaining." Dogs are known to greet their owner with excitement and a wagging tail. Biscuit is here to tell you that is foolish nonsense. When Kitty Deschanel returns home from work, Biscuit does not bother to get out of bed, where she has lounged the entire day. Pit bulls, Olive and Bernadette, stay clear of the alpha of their pack, lest they be attacked by 4 pounds of chihuahua/yorkie (probably mixed with some sort of rodent) fury. Her 5 remaining teeth will get you. You may see Kitty Deschanel carrying Biscuit down the street, her having refused to budge after insisting on taking a walk. Dinnertime requires patience. Biscuit demands to guard her bowl, letting out her version of a bark - a ferocious "ME

The (Gross) Joys of Dog Ownership

I thought Pica was bad, especially when she had tapeworms and earmites, but she can't compare to Biscuit. I have a funny dog story to outdo all the other funny dog stories. Actually, it's just plain gross. I was petting Biscuit and noticed a bump on her side. It looked like it might be a gross, doggy zit. Sexy Nerd thought it might be a tick, so we decided to try to remove it. We got the tweezers and  held Biscuit down .  Well, we were both wrong. Trigger may not want to read the next part...don't say I didn't try to stop you... It was some sort of creature that had burrowed into her skin! We pulled out a  big, grubby, stretchy, still-squirming WORM !  Yuck, yuck, yuck! Luckily, Biscuit is just about due for her rabies shot, so we're going to bring the worm with us to her appointment to make sure there isn't anything else we should be concerned about. Poor Biscuit! She actually didn't seem to notice at all. I did give her

The Joys Of Dog Ownership

I thought Pica was bad, especially when she had tapeworms and earmites, but Biscuit has outdone her.  I was petting Biscuit last night and noticed a bump on her side. It looked like it might be a gross, doggy zit. Sexy Nerd thought it might be a tick, so we decided to try to remove it. We got the tweezers and  held Biscuit down .  Well, we were both wrong. Trigger may not want to read the next part...don't say I didn't try to stop you... It was some sort of creature that had burrowed into her skin! We pulled out a  big, grubby, stretchy, still-squirming WORM !  Yuck, yuck, yuck! Luckily, Biscuit is just about due for her rabies shot, so we're going to bring the worm with us to her appointment to make sure there isn't anything else we should be concerned about. Poor Biscuit! She actually didn't seem to notice at all. I did give her a scare though when the worm was removed. I screamed. Nope.

Dogs Named Biscuit Are Naturally Cute

Marie says there are no photos of Biscuit on my blog. That's unacceptable!   Lurking in the shadows, it's ninja Biscuit!     "I bwushed my teeth gud" .   Separated at birth?   You learn to put up with a lot when you share a home with Pica. Look at all that Pica hair!!!   Who doesn't love Punk Rock/Stoner Biscuit?     Biscuit is not amused by all these dopey photos.

Foster a Dog (and Meet Bernadette!)

Want to  foster a dog ? Tips at the end of this post. Remember the other day when I shared that I'm a  Bernadette Peters  fan? Meet our silly goofball, Bernadette. Three dogs?! To be fair, one is only a foster dog...except we love her so much that we're adopting her!  Top: Bernadette's fearful "Before" photo, taken at the shelter Bottom: Bernadette's cheerful "After" photo, taken the day we brought her home Bernadette, originally named Tulip, had arrived at the shelter as a stray. She was so fearful that I was not able to pet her even once during the two hours we spent in her large pen at the Bernalillo County, NM shelter.  Her ears were down and her tail was tucked between her legs. She was exhausted from pacing in circles nonstop. The shelter gave us handfuls of treats to offer, but even these weren't enough to coax her to come near. SN and I both wondered if fostering her was a mistake. So what changed our mind? H